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PVIS Media Center Rules and Procedures


Pequea Valley Intermediate School

Library Media Center

Rules & Procedures


General Rules
  1. Please follow all school rules while in the library.
  2. Enter the library by the designated entry door.
  3. You must have a signed pass to enter the library (unless your teacher is bringing your entire class here).
  4. You MAY NOT enter the library if there is not an adult staff member present. If you find the entry door locked, it means that there is currently not adult supervision available, and you will have to come back at a later time.
  5. There is no gum, drink, or food of any kind permitted in the library.
  6. The library is not a hangout. Make sure you have work to do while you are here.
  7. While in the library you are expected to respect the staff, other students, and materials/equipment in the room. Disrespect, horseplay, and vandalism will not be tolerated.
  8. If you remove books from the shelf then decide not to check them out, place them in the Book Drop. Do not put them back on the shelf yourself.
  9. You are responsible for any items that you check out of the library. Do not let other people borrow or use the items you have checked out under your name.
  10. Always clean up your work space before leaving. Put trash in the trash. Push in your chair.
  11. You must exit through the doors with the security system.
  12. If you need help...ASK!



Copying & Printing
  • You are welcome to use the copier.
  • You must have a pass to pick up a print job or make copies.
  • Please remember to sign in to the library even if you are simply coming to pick up a print job. Always leave by the designated exit door.
  • Make sure you are taking only your print jobs when retrieving items.
  • Report any problems with the printer to Mrs. Youndt or the Main Office.

Overdue Books
  • Books are checked out for two weeks. If you do not renew or return the materials by the due date they are considered overdue.
  • Make sure you are acting responsibly by checking to see when your book is due.
  • You will not be permitted to check out any additional materials until overdue items are returned.
  • You will receive an email from the library staff notifying you of overdue books.
  • You will be charged for the full replacement value of any items not returned by the end of the school year. Failure to pay such obligations may result in other consequences. Save yourself the cost and hassle - return your materials by the due date!

In the event of an emergency or a drill, you must become absolutely silent and follow the directions of the adults in the room. NO EXCEPTIONS!