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Chorus is an activity where learners have an opportunity to sing, relax, and have a good time. They learn music in sections: Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Baritone.  The learners are placed in the section that best fits their voice style and range. The songs they perform are written in many different languages. Our two concerts are in January and May every school year.  In the Pequea Valley Intermediate School choir there are officers. A choir officer helps the director Mrs. Trescavage with running the choir, as well as, taking attendance, organizing folders after rehearsals, and being leaders for their fellow learners. 

Concert Dates

PVIS/PVHS Winter Choral Concert -  Wednesday 1/17/24  7:00 pm at PVHS
                                    snowdate-  Thursday 1/25/24  7:00 pm at PVHS
PVIS Spring Choral Concert -   Monday 5/13/24  7:00 pm at PVHS