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Medication Policy

Administration of medication shall be in accordance with state law and Board policy.[1][2]


Before any medication from home, prescribed or over-the-counter (OTC), may be administered to or by any student during school hours, the Board shall require:

  1. The written request from the parent/guardian, giving permission for administration of medication during school hours.
  2. A statement from the parent/guardian acknowledging that the school is not responsible for ensuring the medication is taken and relieving the district and its employees of responsibility for the benefits or consequences of the prescribed medication.
  3. The written order from the prescribing physician stating:
    1. Name of student.
    2. Name of medication.
    3. Prescribed dose.
    4. Route of administration.
    5. Time medication is to be taken.
    6. Length of time medication is prescribed.
    7. Diagnosis or reason medication is needed, unless confidential.
    8. Possible side effects of medication or special considerations.
    9. Name and signature of licensed prescriber.

 Orders may be faxed or sent by electronic mail, if necessary.

**There are circumstances, such as immediate change in medication dosage, when oral orders may need to be used, until a written order can be obtained. A CSN, RN or LPN may accept a verbal order for medication or skilled nursing procedures.

**The licensed school health personnel receiving any medication should document the quantity of the medication delivered. This documentation should include the date, time, amount of medication and the signature of the parent/guardian delivering the medication and the licensed school health personnel receiving the medication.

Access to all medications will be limited to approved personnel such as the CSN, RN and LPN, except that in life-threatening emergencies, designated personnel may have access.

In accordance with the standard nursing practice, the nurse may refuse to administer or permit the administration of a medication, which based on his/her assessment and professional judgment, has the potential to be harmful, dangerous or inappropriate. In these cases, the parent/guardian and licensed prescriber will be notified.

Before any school-supplied medication may be administered to any student during school hours, the Board shall require:

  1. Written permission from the parent/guardian, for the administration of medication during school hours (parent/guardian consent is not needed for administration of emergency medications during a life-threatening emergency).
  2. A statement from the parent/guardian acknowledging that the school is not responsible for ensuring the medication is taken and relieving the district and its employees of responsibility for the benefits or consequences of the prescribed medication.
  3. Written orders from the prescribing physician (School MD). These orders are referred to as standing orders and are medical directives written by our school MD. These orders may authorize the use of specific OTC medication and/or emergency medications such as Epi-Pen to be given according to a defined protocol. The nurse’s office in each building must have a signed copy of the standing orders on file.